Self Help Articles

Brad Yates

Brad Yates
Brad Yates

Do You Need Crisis?

By Brad Yates

Well, do you?!?

This is a subject that has been coming up in both my abundance and health teleclasses. Seems a lot of people need to experience a crisis before they can take action.

So, how about you?

How bad do your finances need to get before you take notice?

How angry does your boss (client, teacher) need to get before you get moving on a project that is due?

How sick do you need to feel before you do something healthy?

Do you wait until you have a blow-out at 80mph on the freeway before checking your tires?

No matter where you are in life, in any area of your life, no matter how much success you may be enjoying, there is more that is possible. Not that you need to always be striving for more.

I'm not a proponent of discontent. But, are you really enjoying all the health, wealth and happiness you desire, or are you settling for operating from a place of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

In which case, until it is broken, you operate on auto pilot. When it reaches crisis point, then you'll take action.

I'm going to suggest that this isn't the best plan.

Ever leave the ice cream carton sitting out? After awhile, it melts. Meltdown = crisis. That's the crisis at which you take action, and put the ice cream back in the freezer.

Ever done that? Refreeze a carton of melted ice cream? Yuck!

At that point, it is too late to save the ice cream. In some instances in life, once you've waited for things to reach crisis level, it is too late. Like with some health issues. I don't really want to say that anything is impossible, but pretty much if you leave a condition alone until it kills you, it is probably too late.

Fortunately for human beings, in most instances there is a chance to come back. And, admittedly, sometimes the crisis brings about something better than what one had before. I've seen this working with people in recovery. It took them hitting bottom to turn to a 12 Step program, and the feeling of crisis was necessary for them to really work it, but the benefits prove amazing. Many of them live lives beyond what they ever thought possible.

But isn't it sad that so many of us can't start to turn things around before the proverbial s--t hits the proverbial fan?

Unfortunately, it is how many of us have been trained.

In Daniel Quinn's brilliant book, "Ishmael", the title character, and educated gorilla, is brutally honest about human beings. He likens modern society to someone going off a cliff in a useless flying machine, plummeting towards the ground but convincing himself that, because he has't hit the ground yet, he must be flying. "So far so good."

This could be an accurate description of how we handle many things in our lives.

So, here's my question, do you need to hit the ground before you take action to make things better?

Can you really not get motivated until it gets boiling hot? Take steps to change that. Remember the adage about the frog in the pot of slowly heating water, he doesn't recognize it's getting too hot until it's too late.

How about saying, "My life is pretty darn good, AND it can get even better. and I deserve that.

How about starting today to improve your health before a crisis hits?

How about starting today to improve your relationships before a crisis hits?

How about starting today to do what you can to take care of anything in your life that could be improved.

Here's a suggestion: tap on a regular basis. Definitely start tapping long before you get really stressed out. It's like putting the ice cream back in the freezer long before it melts.

Decide today that self-improvement is not simply a matter of triage. Decide that you deserve the best life possible and you can start making things better without needing them to get worse.

Even if you never saw this demonstrated while growing up, or since, you can still do it. You are not confined to your past programming.

So, go on, give it a shot.

You're worth it.

To learn more about Brad Yates and the work that he is doing with EFT, go to:
It is amazing stuff.
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